Check Mail Server Certificate with openssl
You applied a new certificate to you mail server. Now you want to know, if the right certificate with the matching chain is used: openssl s_client -starttls smtp -showcerts -connect…
Settings and parameters that can be done on the command line
You applied a new certificate to you mail server. Now you want to know, if the right certificate with the matching chain is used: openssl s_client -starttls smtp -showcerts -connect…
If you want to know which ports are open on your Mac, you can use built-in tools in terminal: lsof -i -P | grep -i "listen" This gives you a…
You are a Mac user and run Linux machines virtually on your Macbook or your console keyboard is an Apple Mac Keyboard. Ubuntu Linux sets the keyboard parameters in the…
If you want to know which commands exist on a FortiGate, type tree on the command line. You get the whole command structure of the installed operating system. config antivirus…
By default, a FortiGate does autosave the configuration, every time you press Apply or OK in the GUI. On the CLI the config becomes active and is saved when you…
If you own a Mac equipped with a touch bar and you use the command line and sudo often, you can enable the TouchID of your Mac to authenticate yourself.…